Cancellation/Refund Policy

Parenting Classes and workshops

You may cancel your parenting class registration prior to your class series commencement. We request 5 days notice. There are no refunds after the series start date as that space has been reserved for you.

Private Coaching Program and Refresher Coaching Program

I am almost 100% positive that you are going to enjoy your experience in this program. However, I understand that life happens and you may choose to leave the program. I have intentionally chosen to work with a limited number of parents at a time so I can be personally available to you and ensure our work together is of the highest quality. Your space has been specifically reserved for you for the length of the program and other families may have been turned away or placed on a wait list. There are therefore absolutely no refunds after our first session together whether you choose to implement the remainder of the program or not. In the case of an extreme emergency, I am happy to help, however, please note that in an emergency upon withdrawal from the program you will be charged the full rate of the course prorated for each of the sessions you were present (by opting out of the commitment, I can no longer provide the special discounted rate if you were enrolled at the lower rate). Your refund will be the remaining amount once the session fees are subtracted.

Individual Coaching Sessions

The scheduling of an appointment involves the reservation of an appointment time specifically for you. A MINIMUM of 48 BUSINESS HOURS (Monday - Friday) notice is required for rescheduling or cancelling an appointment or you will be charged the full fee for the missed session. If you are late to an appointment, I will wait the entire 50 minutes for you to arrive. Upon your arrival we will meet for the remainder of your session time and you will be required to pay for the full session. To reschedule an appointment, please give at least 48 hours notice and I will do my best to find an alternative time, however, there is no guarantee I will be able to fit you in during that week.

Heart of Connecting

My work is dedicated to supporting parents and early childhood educators in understanding and reducing challenging behavior in young children at home and in the preschool classroom.

Classes & Workshops

New events to be announced soon!
Green By Design Marketing ©2025 | Heart of Connecting, Hayley Goldberg, LMFT | All rights reserved.