
What makes my work unique

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed with the different behaviors your kids challenge you with and all the aspects of parenting. I’ve discovered that I do my best work with parents of toddlers and preschoolers who want to discover early on in their parenting journey what their kids and families really need for school and life success.

Research shows that the first five years of life are critical to a child’s development and can have vital implications for a child’s future. My coaching is intended to be a guide for parents to explore the many parenting topics you need to consider during the early childhood period of 1-5 years old. The information I present during my signature coaching program is adapted specifically to meet your child and family’s individual needs.

I have three principles that guide my work every day with each and every client. I believe in Quality Coaching, Quality Learning and Quality Parenting

How I approach the work we do together:

A long-term view. I don’t teach you to parent just in this moment because you have a 2 year old, 3 year old, or 4 year old. My focus while you’re coaching with me is for you to gain new in-depth knowledge and awareness about your child, their development, your family, and your parenting. You’ll learn research-based strategies for your parenting that will not only bring more family calm and happiness but will also increase your child’s learning around social competence, emotional regulation and will decrease problem behaviors. My goal is to support and develop your parenting in a way that allows your child to learn important life skills and be ready for kindergarten. Your child’s potential is limitless. The starting point is you. Your parenting counts!

Compassionate. Having the right person by your side is important. I’m not here to judge or criticize you. You won’t find me intrusive or intimidating. That’s not my style.

Trust and honest communication are important to me. I believe in providing a safe space for you to ask questions, discuss problems, get support, gather feedback, reflect on your parenting practices, and try new ideas.

• I have a strength based approach to coaching so I want to learn your strengths and I’ll highlight your successes for you as we plan future goals and determine action steps necessary to meet those goals.

• For us to work well together we’ll need to establish a healthy give and take relationship. I will hold you accountable for your goals (which can change as we go along), and I’ll provide plenty opportunity for self -reflection along the way. And while you’re doing the hard work I want you to feel confident knowing I’m here to make the process of change more comfortable for you, your family and your kids.

• And last but not least I believe in my clients! I appreciate the effort you’ll be putting forward in our work together and I believe it’s important to celebrate your successful moments along the way.

I look forward to a fun and educational coaching journey together as we explore the everyday magic of toddler and preschool parenting.

Heart of Connecting

My work is dedicated to supporting parents and early childhood educators in understanding and reducing challenging behavior in young children at home and in the preschool classroom.

Classes & Workshops

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