I'm a licensed marriage and family therapist and parenting coach.
I specialize in helping parents of toddlers and preschoolers enjoy a loving, happier, calmer, more confident parenting experience with their little ones.
My approach is based on respect and compassion for parents. There is no judgement with me because parenting isn’t easy. We are all trying to find our way and none of us are perfect.
My work is tailored to helping parents get to the root of their parenting frustrations and challenges and teaching them positive, collaborative strategies that build warm, trusting relationships between parents and children.
I also work with couples to help them understand and respect their parenting differences and give them tools to develop a partnership in their parenting. When parents collaborate on their parenting and cooperate with each other they raise kids who feel both understood and connected, and family life is more peaceful, relaxed, and loving, and parenting is more FUN!
I have been a parent for 23 years and I have guided parents for over 14 years as a therapist, parent educator, and parenting coach. I have been working hands on in early childhood (toddlers and preschoolers) for the past 8 years working with parents, kids, preschool teachers, directors, and home daycare providers.
I am blessed with an amazing husband and we are the proud parents of three wonderful and incredible kids. No job has been harder or more rewarding than being a mom and I whole heartedly understand the struggles, fears and challenges that come with being a loving and caring parent.
When I am not with my family or supporting parents, you can find me enjoying coffee with friends, reading articles or a parenting book that has caught my attention, or walking my four German Shepherds – hours and hours of walking!
The Formal Bit
- I graduated with Magna Cum Lauda with my bachelors degree in psychology from UC Irvine.
- I earned my masters degree in counseling from Pepperdine University and once again graduated with honors.
- I have completed parent certification courses and have certifications from The Talaris Institute and I am a certified Positive Discipline Parent Educator.
- I interned at The Living Success Center where I provided therapy for couples, families and individuals. This early counseling experience showed me that for children, there is nothing more important than the parent-child attachment relationship. Through every stage of an infant and child’s development there are critical developmental needs that a parent must meet through this primary attachment relationship so children can grow up to become socially strong and emotionally secure adults.
- I went on to work at the kinship Center with children in adopted and foster care families. These children had experienced trauma, distress and neglect in their lives. I worked to help children process their trauma and helped families be successful in creating and sustaining new meaningful and connected relationships.
- I teach my Parenting with Confidence classes and a variety of parenting workshops throughout Orange County at various locations.
- I am a frequent expert guest speaker at The New Mom School talking to mom’s about parenting, positive discipline, choosing a quality preschool, and how to support their older child when a new baby comes along.
- I spent 7 years with the Irvine Unified School District supporting parents and teachers at the district’s Early Childhood Learning Center.
- I work with local preschools and teachers in our community to understand and prevent challenging behaviors in the classroom. I do staff development trainings and coach teachers individually regarding behaviors in their classroom and developing their curriculum to promote more social-emotional development.
- I contract with the City of Irvine to provide workshops for home day care providers licensed through the city and I am a presenter at the city’s annual Super Saturday event, a professional development conference for individuals working with young children 0-5 years old.