The Holidays - What’s the Point?

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Thanksgiving is quickly approaching and with it the start of the holiday season. It’s a time brimming with excitement for many families.

We’re looking forward to celebrating and being surrounded with our caring circle of family and good friends. There are substantial conversations happening - we’re considering the logistics of the holiday events and ironing out all the details – whose hosting, who is coming and what to cook?

And then there’s probably some hefty conversations happening around the gifts!

Whether it’s Thanksgiving or celebrating Christmas, Hannukah, Kwanza or another traditional holiday, with the holidays we are creating memories of a lifetime. So yes, the logistics are important and there should definitely be significant and meaningful thought around the giving of gifts.

But before you plan the party and decide who to invite, think about what you want the holidays to mean. What’s important? What’s purposeful and relevant to your family today?

In our fast paced world a lot of times we stick with traditions we learned as a child and we go on with those traditions whether they feel meaningful and worthwhile to us or not in our lives today.

Because the holidays period provides us with an unbelievable opportunity to absolutely impact our kids and form change in our lives and theirs,

it’s definitely a time for introspection. We have the freedom to be reflective and contemplate what may be more meaningful to us and our families now.

Our celebrations then become the opportunity for us to make revisions and leverage the new customs, culture and practices we want to create.

I’m not saying you need to do a complete about-face to your current traditions. We’re not looking to upset the entire family on the holidays and overthrow our heritage. Sometimes we are beholden to a few past traditions. Maybe with reflection you come to the decision that your family traditions are still relevant and worthwhile - and that’s perfectly ok.  

Should you decide there’s place for change this holiday season the transformations you want to make should be a symbol of who you are and what’s meaningful to you. And the change can be gradual.

Some questions to consider as you look at your traditions and celebrations through a lens of wanting to transform them and wanting to create something new or different for your family– or loving what you already have and letting well enough be.

  1. Why are we celebrating this holiday?
  2. What are my current values and priorities? Do our traditions support my values and priorities?
  3. Are our traditions and celebrations adding value to our lives?
  4. Which traditions am I beholden to?
  5. If I had a ‘signature stamp’ for how I’d like to celebrate, what would it be? How would it look? What would I like it to reveal about me?
  6. Can I put a signature stamp on our current celebrations?
  7. Will trying new traditions bring positive emotions?
  8. Will trying new traditions keep the channels open to encourage future traditions?

As parents we have the ability to create family experiences that are focused more on meaning and gratitude rather than overwhelm and stress.

It starts with family and it’s being with our loved ones that make the holidays special. However you choose to celebrate and whatever your traditions, I wish you a holiday season where you feel more peaceful, content, and connected as a family.

If you’re looking for a safe, non judgmental place to ask your parenting questions or just want to talk about normal everyday things with your kids that annoy you please email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we can schedule a free 30 minute conversation.

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Heart of Connecting

My work is dedicated to supporting parents and early childhood educators in understanding and reducing challenging behavior in young children at home and in the preschool classroom.

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